Friday, 5 July 2013

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Baby Gender Planning – Tips to Plan the Gender of Your Baby

Yes, you read correctly, baby gender planning has chances. But how? Piece of writing inform you the techniques to conceive a boy or a girl to add to your family. Unfortunately, there are lots of people who have difficulty conceiving. There are methods mentioned in the article could possibly work with conceive the child a couple would very much like to have. The strategies in this article will teach people how to conceive a child without expensive doctors’ visits, without costly fertility drugs and no testing at hospitals. Anyone can easily make this happen, you don't need to be a scientist to conceive a baby of the gender that you pick. The techniques for baby gender planning may help no matter what of your age and companion’s age. Owning a regular period or not having a regular period won't reduce the outcome. Three aspects will control the conception of a baby boy or baby girl. Timing, eating habits and acidity are extremely crucial that you always think of to plan a baby of the gender of your liking.


A basic aspect like changing your diet will help to conceive a boy or a girl. Foods which contain high levels of potassium and also sodium really should be eaten by the mother to become to help get pregnant boy. The mother to be should consume foods loaded with magnesium along with calcium to conceive a baby girl. The diet plan should begin a couple weeks before seeking to conceive.


It is believed by doctors, looking for a way to conceive a day before ovulation and to discover the twenty four hours immediately after ovulation will contribute to the conception of a baby boy. Probability of conceiving a boy towards the onset of ovulation are higher. The male sperm travel faster however have a much lower life span. The method of working to become pregnant girl should begin slightly earlier than trying to become pregnant boy. Doctors recommend attempting to conceive a baby girl 2-3 days before ovulation. This is because the female sperm survive the male sperm.

Learning about when ovulation occurs is useful when trying to conceive as well as for baby gender planning. There are various ways find out when ovulation will occur. Typically the most popular technique is to check when the first day of menstruation begin and counting ahead approximately fourteen days. Ovulation normally begins two weeks later on beginning of the period and two weeks before the next period. Mucus discharge is a sign of ovulation. There are many tools, like ovulation predictors that might be available without a prescription along at the local pharmacy.

Acidity levels

It is thought that a girl is conceived in an environment with high acidity. Douching by using a solution which will be at the top in acidity is really helpful to conceive a baby girl. Falling pregnant boy needs high alkaline environment. Alkaline solutions can be obtained for douching. Many groups of people have difficulty conceiving. This Baby Gender Planning website will supply info on the technique to conceive. But it goes even further than this, it will help you to conceive a baby considering the sex that you select. Begin using these Gender Planning Methods and receive the sweet little bundle you desire.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Pregnancy: Are You Ready to Have a Baby?

Are you a woman? For anybody who is, have you been thinking about motherhood? If you have, you most likely are wondering whether or not you are ready to be a parent. While parenthood is occasionally unexpected, a large number of women and their partners plan and prepare for it. If that is the approach that you would like to take, there are a number of important factors or issues that you should first take into consideration.

Perhaps, the most important factor to take into consideration is health care. When pregnant, you will need to schedule regular prenatal exams. Towards the end of your pregnancy, these exams may be as common as once or twice a week. For that reason, healthcare should be taken into consideration. Do you have health insurance? If you do, does your health insurance cover pregnancy and prenatal care? If it does not or if you are uninsured, you may end up paying for the cost of your pregnancy alone.

In keeping the cost of having a child, it is also important to examine the costs after your baby is born. It is no secret that raising children is expensive. How are you currently managing, financially, now? If you are having difficulty making ends meet, you may be unable to afford the cost of a child. Of course, there are financial programs out there to assist, but you shouldn't rely too heavily on them. If you would like to have a child, it is advised that you take steps to financially prepare for doing so. These steps may involve increasing your work hours or eliminating unnecessary purchases.

Another factor really needs to be examined when you have to choose it should be based on your current living situation. Do you own your own home or do you rent an apartment? Regardless of whether you are a homeowner or a renter, do you have enough space for a child? If you do not, it may be a good idea to rethink your current living situation. Although many mothers like to keep their newborns in the same room with them at night, there will come a point in time where your child will need their own room. If you would like to buy a larger home or rent a larger apartment, you may want to think about doing so before you decide to become pregnant, as it may save you a considerable amount of stress.

Another issue that needs to be discussed is your partner or spouse's feelings on having a new child. Although it is more than possible for you to be a single mother, by way of a sperm donor, many women make the decision to have a child with a man that they love. Despite being more than possible to raise a child as a single parent, it is important that you seek assistance from the father. That is why the decision to have a child is one that you and your partner should make together. If you are married or if you have been with your partner for a long period of time, there is a good chance that they will be just as excited with having a baby as you are. If, at this point in time, you realize that you both have difficult goals and aspirations in life, the issue needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.

When deciding if you are ready to become a mother, the above mentioned issues are all ones that should be taken into consideration. As a reminder, many women have children unexpectedly, but many take the time to plan and prepare for pregnancy and childbirth. If you would like to thoroughly examine your decision before getting pregnant, it is advised that you do so. You can research pregnancy and raising a newborn baby by speaking with your healthcare professional and other parents or by buying a collecting of birthing and parenting books, as well as by using the internet to your advantage.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Timing Intercourse to Choose the Gender of Your Child

While there are no guarantees when it comes to natural gender selection, there are a few things that can be done to increase the likelihood of having a little boy or a little girl. If you specifically want a boy or girl, it certainly doesn't hurt to try a few natural techniques. You may not get the gender you want, but it sure is fun trying and the result is the same regardless – a happy and healthy baby, and that is what really matters.

In order to understand how the timing of when you have sex can impact the gender of your child it is important to look at two different things – first, how ovulation works and second, how the differences in sperm affect this timing. Let's look at ovulation first.

Every month, there is a window of fertility that is approximately five days long. Three days prior to ovulation to one day following ovulation are the best times to conceive. Remember, the egg only has 24 hours of viability, and that sperm can live for up to five days in the reproductive tract. Each woman is different however, but this is the generally accepted "window of fertility" that occurs every month.

So, now that you've narrowed it down to five days of the month where you are fertile, it's time to figure out how to time your intercourse to choose the gender of your child. Let's take a look at the differences in sperm that carry the chromosomes that decide gender.

A sperm carrying the Y chromosome will result in a boy if it successfully fertilizes the egg. A sperm carrying the X chromosome will result in a girl. There are some main differences in these sperm that are important to understand. The Y sperm are very small, but also very quick and agile. The main downside is that they don't live very long. The X sperm are bigger and much slower, but on the flip side, they live a lot longer.

Keeping this in mind, now let's move to timing. In order to have a boy, it is vital to allow the Y sperm the time they need to reach the egg as quickly as possible. This means that you need to time intercourse on the day that you ovulate. The Y sperm won't live much longer than that 24 hour period that the egg is viable and you need to give them that chance to meet the egg before they expire.

On the other hand, if you want to have a girl, you should time intercourse to two to three days prior to ovulation. During this time, the Y sperm will have died out, leaving the slower but more durable X sperm behind. This greatly increases the chances that you will have a girl.

There are many other factors that can affect the gender of your child such as diet, and even the sexual position that you use, but timing it properly can help you naturally select your child's gender.

Click here to download Plan My Baby

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Tips to conceive a baby boy !!

Hello!! Today I'll share about "Tips to conceive a baby boy" through diet method. To achieve or realize this dream, actually very easy and does not require a huge cost as an investment. Key points for this title more or less like the previous title of “How to conceive a baby girl?". Well without wasting time, I will begin our sharing today. As we know, diet plays an important role in determining the gender of the baby. According to the study, I found the event a prospective mother who always eats breakfast as a routine (such as grains and foods rich in potassium) will have chances to conceive a baby boy compared to mothers who skip breakfast like that.
             Avoid acidic foods to conceive a boy.
Y sperm prefer a more alkaline environment, and acidic foods may alter the vaginal environment.

·         Eat specific foods to raise the odds of having a boy.
For a few weeks before conception, eat red meat, eggs, fish, beans, peas, mushroom, zucchini, sweet corn, raisins, bread and salty foods. These foods may create a more alkaline pH level in the vagina.

·         Eat throughout the day.
      According to a study by Oxford and the University of Exeter in England, higher energy intake and higher glucose levels can be linked to the conception of boys.

But experts contacted by WebMD caution that the study simply found an association. There is no cause and effect proof that what you eat sways the outcome of conception, gender-wise, they say. In my opinion, the method for determining the sex of the baby through diet such as this can be practiced because it does not give any effect to the body. To get more information, I suggest to you to seeing a specialist or buy eBooks (I recommend Alicia Pennington's Plan My Baby: Prince or Princess Guide


Ø  To increase the percents of having a boy;
Ask your partner to wear boxer compared tight underwear. This is because it can reduce sperm results.

Ø  Some in vitro fertilization services will work with couples on genetic selection.
The procedure typically costs more than $20,000 and, in most cases, results are not guaranteed. Some doctors refuse to test the embryo's sex before implantation because of moral implications.

I hope this articles will helps you for the future. That's all from me. Bye.

Monday, 27 May 2013

How to conceive a baby girl??

"How to conceive a baby girl" phrase may we always hear for those who want a baby girl. There must be a state that is impossible to achieve even been planned. Actually the answer is wrong. We (wife) could produce a baby girl should follow some tips such as determine the time of your ovulation, use a basal body thermometer (BBT) to chart your temperature every day, and by know that diet may play a vital role.

Let’s begin with determine the time of your ovulation to make sure you will conceive a baby girl. Ovulation is phase of a female's menstrual cycle in which a mature egg is released from the ovarian follicles into the oviduct. Sperm (male) are able to liven up from three to six days for fertilize compare than egg. That’s mean; there are many sperm still around to greet the egg if you have sex a few days before ovulation. (To make baby, it only take one perfect sperm). The average cycle = lasts 28 days. Calculate the first day of period as one. In addition, if you check menstrual calendar for few months, you will know the best date to have sex with your partner (function such as ovulation predictor). (Tip Shettles to conceiving a girl: sexual intercourse up to 3 days before ovulation in order to increase your odds). So, if you determine the time of your evaluation. The percent to conceive a girl will be increase.

Secondly, you can use a basal body thermometer (BBT) to chart your temperature every day to increase the probability conceiving a baby girl.  BBT is your lowest temperature of body in a 24 hour period. The best time to take temperature is when first wake up in the morning. Put a basal thermometer into your mouth before brush your teeth(start your day) and record the reading on notebook about the same time each morning. By this method you will figure out your ovulation pattern. Before ovulation, your BBT probably average about 97.45 degrees Fahrenheit. After you ovulate, your BBT will increase of 0.4 to 1.0 degree.
By charting your BBT for a few months, you will able to see pattern of you cycle and predict ovulation for the next time (days to have sex). This method will help you to get an accurate result for ovulation as well as to help conceiving a baby girl.

Thirdly, you also can conceive a baby girl by know that diet may play a vital role. According to Reproductive BioMedicine Online, women who consumed foods that were rich in calcium and magnesium had an 81% chance of conceiving a girl. For the women who participated in to have sexual intercourse prior to ovulation, the chances of having a baby girl will increase. However, for this nutrients (that rich with calcium and magnesium) will easier develop female embryos. By know the diet also will increase the chances to conceive a baby girl.

As conclusion, to ensure you conceiving a baby girl, you must follow the steps that I have given as determine the time of your ovulation, use a basal body thermometer (BBT) to chart your temperature every day, and know that diet may play a vital role. All this knowledge, I hope you can share with your friends. That’s all, to get more knowledge about “how to conceive a baby girl ". Please click here.

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Selecting the Gender of Your Future Child Tips !!

While there are many debates over how ethical it is to choose the gender of your child before they are born, the fact remains that there are some natural methods you can use that will increase the likelihood of having a child of a specific gender. The ethics of it are up to you and while no method is 100% accurate, there are a few things that you can try that will help you increase your chances for having either a boy or a girl. These methods are centered on the fact that the sperm that carry Y chromosomes (which are necessary for a boy) are very different from the sperm that carry the X chromosome (which are necessary for a girl). By understanding these differences, and choosing the right methods, you are creating an environment where one type of sperm can outshine the other and reach the main destination first. Let's take a look at what you can do.

1. The Right Diet
Y sperm require an environment that is alkaline in nature, while X sperm need more acid. The pH levels of your body determine how thick the cervical discharge is and whether or not the desired sperm will be able to get through successfully. In order to have a girl, you need to eat a diet that is rich in calcium and magnesium. In order to have a boy, a diet rich in potassium and sodium is required.

2. The Right Time
The timing of when you have intercourse can greatly affect the gender of your child. Because the Y sperm need to reach the egg as quickly as possible, it is necessary to time intercourse to the day that you ovulate to increase your chances of having a boy. They will be able to reach the egg while it and they are still viable. But in order to have a girl, you need to give the Y sperm time to die off, leaving the more durable X sperm behind. This means that you will need to time intercourse to approximately two to three days before ovulation. This gives the X sperm more than enough time to reach the egg. 

3. The Right Position
The position you choose for intercourse can also determine the sex of your child. Once again, we fall back to the differences between sperm. The Y sperm need to reach their destination in as little time as possible. This means that they need to be released as close to the cervix as possible, shortening the trip they must take to the egg. Positions that allow for deep penetration are ideal.

In order to have a girl, you need to make it more difficult for the Y sperm to reach their target on time. This means that positions where shallow penetration is achieved are necessary. The sperm will be deposited further away from the cervix, giving the X sperm the chance they need to reach the egg, and allowing the Y sperm to die off.

How to Predict Baby Gender Before Pregnancy?

There are many way to predict baby genders before pregnancy among these are:

  • Sexual Positions For Gender Selection :
If you want to try to increase the chances of having a boy or a girl, sometimes it all comes down to how you do it literally. While there is no 100% method that will guarantee that you can select the gender of your child, there are specific positions that you can try that will increase the likelihood of selecting the gender.

This works for a variety of different reasons, but is based in the fact that the two kinds of chromosomes that are responsible for gender selection are carried by sperm that are very different. The Y chromosome is responsible for conceiving a boy. The sperm that carry this chromosome are small, quick and able to cover the distance to the egg very rapidly. The downside is they don't live very long and if they have to swim too far, they won't be able to complete their journey successfully.

The X chromosome sperm are responsible for conceiving a girl. These sperm are much larger, and move quite a bit slower. However, they live a lot longer and have more endurance when it comes to reaching the egg. 

Here's what you need to know when it comes to picking positions to pick gender.

How to Have a Boy??

Because the Y sperm need a little extra help in reaching their destination before they expire, positions that allow deep penetration are essential. The goal is to have the man orgasm as closely as possible to the neck of the cervix. This reduces the amount of time that the sperm will need to spend getting to the egg.  Positions that allow for this to occur include woman dominant, or woman on top as well as its other variation, commonly called Reverse Cowgirl. In these positions, the woman is astride the man and can control how deeply he penetrates her. At the moment of orgasm, the woman should allow the man inside as deeply as possible. There are a few other positions as well, but the important thing to remember is that the deeper the penetration at the moment of orgasm, the more likely you are to have a boy.

How to Have a Girl??

If you would prefer to have a girl, the proper positions involve much shallower penetration. The X sperm are much more durable and need a little more time to reach the egg, allowing the Y sperm to die off before they get there. This means that the man should orgasm as far away from the neck of the cervix as possible.

Positions for shallow penetration include missionary, spooning and the lotus position where the couple wraps their legs around each other while sitting. The positions do not allow for deep penetration and the desired result of increasing the likelihood of having a girl can be achieved.

Don't Forget!!

There is one more thing to remember when choosing a position for choosing gender. If you do want to have a boy, it is important that the woman orgasm before the man. This changes the pH near the cervix, making it more hospitable to the Y sperm. The opposite is true if you want to have a girl.